
Now You See Me 2...

Just when you thought we got a TON of cool & free stuff to help promote "Civil War" the good people at Lionsgate TOTALLY blew us out of the water with what they sent over.

I'm talking Playing cards, posters, hats, t-shirts, more posters, the stuff is literally taking up the whole couch in my office. And honestly, I like to sit on my couch from time to time. So we need to give this stuff away guys!

I'm going to slip some of the smaller stuff that won't get damaged (hats, shirts, cards) into orders starting on Monday, but for everything else, we're going to partner with another store here in the Atlanta area to help get it all displayed. 

So if you're anywhere in the ATL and want to pick up a free poster (these posters are VERY cool guys, I'll add pics tomorrow, but they're way better than you're average generic movie poster.), hat, shirt, cards, or some other cool stuff, swing by Randyland in Douglasville, Ga. anytime over the weekend to check it out. 

I have a feeling that this is only the beginning for us interacting with these awesome studios, so even if you can't make it out this weekend or are out of town, don't worry, I'm sure we'll continue to get cool smaller items that I can include in future orders for you.

Also, if you're in the ATL and would like to go to an advance screening of Now You See Me 2, swing by Randyland to pick up a ticket, or email me to arrange a meet-up. The screening is on Tuesday June 7th in Alpharetta, Ga. I'll add all the details & times to this post tomorrow.

A quick thought about the actual movie & not just about the amazing people at Lionsgate in the marketing dept. This one looks GOOD guys! Star studded cast, incredibly good original, awesome premise, and a Franco... this one has it all! And don't forget, you may get to see a fight seen between the Hulk, Harry Potter & Lex Luthor. Tell me you wouldn't want that!!!

So go support the good people at Lionsgate as they're doing their best to reach out and get some really cool stuff into the hands of YOU the fans! Movie comes out June 10th. 
